Meet and Greet


[ Locked ] Introduction Guide This forum is a place where you can introduce yourself to the FAKKU community. Most users share the same interests so I encourage you to post some of the things you are interested in along with your i…


Hello Everyone! How you doing guys! I've been going to this site for a few months now, and only like 2 weeks ago noticed there were forums here (I'm stupid I know), and I decided to create an account here. You guys s…
Hello there [size=12]hi there, i've been visiting fakku for about a year now and finally decided to join the forums i'm a pc gamer and my favorite genre is vanilla [/h]
New to FAKKU! Hows it going everyone! Just joined been on the site alot lately though so i decided to make it official! Love all kinds of Manga or really anything sexual, im always horny haha. speaking of which if…
[ Poll ] ohayou minna!!!!! hi everyone..! i'm nika, an anime,manga fanatic. i started reading fakku a year ago but i just registered a while ago... im only using my phone in reading... (for my privacy)he…
Hello there ! Hello people I am Sagitta! My username is a mix of Sagittarius and 007. If you were wondering that is.
Ohayo minna Hii y'all. My name is Ahmed 18yrs old, college and living in London. Big fan of anime and loving the fakku site If anyone wants to talk about hentai then kik me: Newterror Peace !
Hello co-fappers Hi -insert witty intro here- …
whats good I've been on here for a good while, but never logged retarded self blew up my computer playing World of Tanks. Anyways my name is Brian, 24, live in the worst state Connecticut, I love anime,…
Hello! I realize using fakku for the last two years. I have never made an account. So Hello world, grammar nazis and Spelling wizards. Come @ me broski
Hello Hi everybody , finally I join this community.
Hello! Hello everyone! :D I made this account back in 2011 but never really used it, so I thought it was time for me to try to become a more active part of the community.
So, I created an account on Fakku. [size=12][/h]Hey guys. So, I've been lurking around Fakku for well about, 5 years. I have just made an account here, and I was wondering what the people here were actually like…
Heyo Hey, what's up? I'm Bramble. So...hi. And stuff.
Greetings and Salutations Heya all. :) Just saying hi to everyone after being with Fakku on lurker-mode for years.I could've sworn I put up a topic before but the dang things not here so I could be wrong. Anyhoo....30+ years f…
yoo! aandacht here and not over there i am here to fap obviously! i seek to network with other likeminded individuals and get reccomendations based on my interests! my interests: crossdressing, gender benders, yaoi…
Hihi everyone Hey everyone! I've been a lurker for a few years and finally decided to create a forum account. I'm currently an university student in the US. I'm into most genres but just can't get into NTR :< Lo…
Life is boring, so here I am This is my second time joining Fakku. I left the first time because my life got pretty busy. Well, here I am again, hopefully you guys can help me waste time again, and I'm sure that I ca…
Hey Whatsss upp GUYS! Hello, friends of FAKKU! jimmy0201 here well, I actually made this account about 2 years ago, but never really was active in commenting or anything like that, and yes, it took me 2 years t…
Hey hey hello!! Just thought of dropping by here to say hi before I go on about the rest of the site. You may call me Boom. Yes, Boom. Nice to meet you all :3 BOOM~
Just building a post count Starting a new account with my proper internet handle.