Gism88 wrote...
I don't think hate is healthy...>_>
But what the hell, Welcome to Fakku!
The threat going out from wrong and dangerous beliefs (!!!), is not imminent. Humans tend therefore to grow complacent to it, and it hits them when they expect it the least. When faced with disease, vaccine (in the broader sense) is the only healthy response, and hate is the only vaccine to religion. This may sound bullish and hate-mongering, but it is fact that people will most readily return to religion after they have been "fucked over" by it, over and over again.
b4k420 wrote...
Welcome aboard the fap train. Enjoy Fakku!
I am not here to masturbate (in the first place, of course). Nor would I brag with wasting my time to satisfy atavistic needs to no result. Besides, it would take only 5 minutes daily to "release the pressure", where as this forum has the potential to occupy far more time. I am here, as already mentioned, because of the possibilities of Anime/Hentai.