Well...i'm not v'ry good for introduce myself so, it'll be quick x)
Hmm, so, you can call me Setsu (Setsu-sama is a good alternative, tsu-tsu for closed friend x)), i'm french, living in a smaaaallllll island where C4 and explosives containt are loved by everyone (Corsica) and ... Well, exept my passion of Hentai, i've made a cult for Anime and Manga (over 150 mangas/animes read/watch and it's not the end *o*...i hope x.x) and practise some sports (like Kendo) And.. That is all, if you want to know something else like professionnal and so on, pls ask to the honorable pervert i am.
don't worry about your english, it's not THAT big a deal, and I don't know what you're talking about, that was a very good introduction
So welcome to Fakku