..i'm doing this before an actual intro thread, whatever. serves for both, then ;D
i'm a 19-year old guy from finland, listening to this fantastic jazzy music in the background right now and also slightly hungover, bwaha
i'm a huge consumer of fantastic, luminous music.. uhh, a lot of different music, actually. let's see, just for show and tell. genres and stuff.
i listen to at least these kinds of musical styles: post-rock, new age (jami sieber kind, not the "lol, relax" D:), instrumental rock, classic rock, indie pop/rock, experimental, punk, post-punk, jazz (lots), classical (like.. chopin, romanticism), certain styles of metal, electronic, chiptunes (haha), some "anti-folk", whatever that means.. psychedelic rock, blues rock....
well, pretty much almost anything but the very money-hungry artists, heh.. or rap, unless it's really innovative :oo
i'm also a really very avid musician myself. guitar. used to play piano, but dropped it, heh..
i really enjoy abstract art, though not the kind that's just mess, lots of expressive stuff, not very classical art. poetry, too! as long as it's really free-form and.. well, metaphorical and abstract ;D nothing like "imma write poetry about this GIRL, because fuck yes" haha..
(i hope i'm not making this too long, seeming self-centered or anything, i do rather like writing this thing, gotta admit ;D)
i'm really talkative and jumpy, though somewhat introverted. maybe ambiverted is a better word? eh, whatever. point is, i move around a lot. haha, yeah, a lot. vehement!
...i'm just going to quit while i'm ahead. people don't seem to write whole freaking personality-synopsis' here anyway! cheers!