Why hello my furry little friends.

(Do not pay attention to the title hehe)

Well, I've known FAKKU for quite some time and decided to try and be active here, maybe you can say im one of those creatures called lurkers and start shooting at me with laser guns.

Alright enough with this sillynous. =P

Some of you might know me from hentaigeeks, or not, Im ZGMF-X1OA over there. (I'm one of those that have a dying art thread =__=;;)

Anyway, just wanted to come here and maybe start an art thread here too and spread my plague, you will all turn into zombies!

Indeed...enough with the nonsense.

Yeah, my username is not ZGMF-X1OA this time, I wanted something different and simple and whats better than Ape...sure plenty of other things, but you get my drift.

Bahaha, when people see this text they will know fear and would not dare to reply to this!

Well see ya on the other topics and its nice to be here for now...XD!
welcome. join in our revolution of all things hentai:>...be my minion, i do offer benefits:>..lol.
"Bahaha, when people see this text they will know fear and would not dare to reply to this! "

Hmm, you must be special, you replied O,O
What kind of benefit do you speak of? hehe
I might consider it. XP
Ape wrote...

Bahaha, when people see this text they will know fear and would not dare to reply to this!

... :shock: ...
Who shall be afriad I ask? (And he gives college credit! So I'm one of thee minions!)
To fear is only to hate the unknown. And to hate the unknown is to be closed minded. For those who come here are open minded-most of the time-and do not fear nor hate the unknown. So why should we be afraid?
Bakalova wrote...

To fear is only to hate the unknown. And to hate the unknown is to be closed minded. For those who come here are open minded-most of the time-and do not fear nor hate the unknown. So why should we be afraid?

Well spoken, I guess I will respond. Welcome to fakku. :)
I guess I should say hi as well.
Welcome to Fakku "Ape". Hope you enjoy yourself with us here.
Bakalova wrote...

Welcome to Fakku "Ape". Hope you enjoy yourself with us here.

Just don't enjoy yourself with me, I'm not into that kinda thing...
lurking wrote...
Bakalova wrote...

Welcome to Fakku "Ape". Hope you enjoy yourself with us here.

Just don't enjoy yourself with me, I'm not into that kinda thing...

O_oooooo I wasn't even thinking of that. But yeah........50 miles away from me if your planning on that type of "fun". I have a girl, I don't need a dude.
I only said that, because some people when they see some text that are too long they just give up and dont post/reply (not saying mine is long, on the contrary, but it takes the aspect of looking long with all those spaces)

Anyway, thanks for the welcome comrads.

Haha XD "Welcome to Fakku "Ape". Hope you enjoy yourself with us here.
Just don't enjoy yourself with me, I'm not into that kinda thing..."
Ape wrote...
I only said that, because some people when they see some text that are too long they just give up and dont post/reply (not saying mine is long, on the contrary, but it takes the aspect of looking long with all those spaces)

Anyway, thanks for the welcome comrads.

Haha XD "Welcome to Fakku "Ape". Hope you enjoy yourself with us here.
Just don't enjoy yourself with me, I'm not into that kinda thing..."

xD...yeah people get lazy when it comes to reading. I don't know why /swt.
if you haven't noticed most of us are guilty of long posts:p.
we have alot to say..
wohoo planet of the apes :P

welcome :D
Haha, thanks. XD
Welcome Ape, Hope you enjoy your stay at fakku.
Monster Girl
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