Why is the first time so awkward?

Hi, my user name is Genesation, and I'm an alcoholic...er, otaku. Otaku is what I meant. Yes.
But in all truth, I'm a long time fapper, first time poster, and I'm looking forward to the MOTEMOTE Character Battle.
Welcome to the forum, and you get used to it after awhile but yes i suppose the first time is always akward!
Chip chip and tally ho new Fakkuteer.*I'm saying hello with a british twist.
welcome and stay to be active k ? *extends hand to Genesation* and i agree first time is akward for me too...
<SARCASM>I have no intention to stay active, I'm just here for the character battle prizes.</SARCASM>
And yea, I figured that choice of subject line was appropriate.
Genesation wrote...
<SARCASM>I have no intention to stay active, I'm just here for the character battle prizes.</SARCASM>

Sadly there do seem to be a lot of people just trying to spam their 15 posts to be eligible for prizes. But I trust your sarcasm markers are sincere and welcome you to FAKKU's forums.
Yea, like I said I've used Fakku before, so I figured with the contest about to start now was as good a time as any to join the forums.
Genesation wrote...
Yea, like I said I've used Fakku before, so I figured with the contest about to start now was as good a time as any to join the forums.

It appears many users are thinking likewise. I'm happy that you are considering staying after the free stuff. :3

So welcome, and enjoy yourself!
Welcome to the forums! And I'm looking forward to the MoteMote battle too, should be good. :D
Welcome to FAKKU :D

and considering your avatar appears to be from Welcome to the N.H.K., and you appear to be like the main character.. I already like you.
Monster Girl
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