Sushimi wrote...
Welcome to the Forums, X-san! We're glad you finally introduced yourself to the community~ I think you have the longest introduction I've seen so far which is pretty awesome. Haha~
Xenon wrote...
My tastes:
I'm a sucker for
happy sex and romance, although I love
light teasing. I'll admit I like a little
loli, but only the ones where they are totally fake and up for it (meaning I
don't like loli rape). Albeit, I respect all people's tastes and fetishes, I am
heavily effected and depressed by mindfucks. So, serious NTR (
that recent Shouko, Yuuji and NTR one sent me into a depressive state, I didn't even know what NTR was before reading that, thought it was an author), and
guro or vore just turn me off completely. I just don't have the mind or taste for it. But I regress to 'to each their own.'
[font=Tahoma][color=olive]I read that one and.... *shrugs* Anyway, I see we have similar tastes! ❤ Isn't that great? =P
Don't worry, we will take good care of you~ ;) We'll see you around and let's have some fun!
I stared at that picture for about 3 minutes. It's pretty. ❤
Thank you, kindly, Sushimi-san. I'm pleased to finally be here. I have a thing for good first impressions and making mine a little more descriptive and interesting. I'm very pleased we have such similar tastes! Thank you very much for the welcome and yes, I do love that picture and have a whole Gentle folder dedicated to embraces like those XP
SamRavster wrote...
[font=Verdana][color=green]Pretty epic introduction, may I say? Great to meet you; I'm SamRavster (obviously) and I hope that we can get along well. However, unlike you, I decided to post first then make an introduction; take root then greet people.
Making your own PC is very impressive; I can only imagine the specs of that badboy. In regards to the games you play, I'm only familiar with Team Fortress 2 - as in I play it, the others never interested me. My Steam account name is...SamRavster. Boring eh? However, I'm a PS3er anyway; my poor little laptop can only do so much before BURSTING into flames. Spring is often quite good for games yes; like to start the year well - the only game I'm interested in that's
around the area is Killzone 3.
Awesome topic picture may I add as well?
Overall, enjoy the forums, and just hope some light is shed on the Role-Playing scenario; now that you've mentioned it I'm surprised I never noticed it before myself.
Thank you, I do enjoy a bit of epic, to my downfall, really, because that's probably why I didn't join the forums when they first opened. Kicking myself over that one. But yes, I am perfectly confident we'll get along great. Interesting that you made your introduction that way, I can see the logic in it and maybe I could've used it.
My PC is something I'm very proud of. It is indeed a beast, although not a super beast that's water-cooled or anything, it will last me quite a while and still plays all the newest games on Ultra settings much to my enjoyment. Xenon was actually the name I gave my first PC, hence my name. I've added you on Steam already and although my account name is different, my avatar is slightly similar, so you'll know it's me. As far as the Killzone series, it was sadly one I never enjoyed but heard great things about.
Yeah, I do love that picture, and thank you for the good wishes. I hope I can have a positive effect on that Role-Playing endeavor.