
it's late, but... hello everybody

i'm John Smith, supposedly, a common American/English name

i'm a leecher, spammer and a total nerd

i download gigabytes of hentai and masturbate 3x a day

i have no life and sit in front of the computer 18 hours a day, playing online games, watching porn, downloading illegal copies of copyrighted material, watching porn and uh... watching porn

i sponge off my parents, living at their basement

i'm fat, hairy and and bathe once a week

i don't have a girlfriend, but if there's anybody available, please give my your email add and your number

don't worry because i'm not the type of guy who would stalk you, spam you and call you every 5 minutes

i'm a very nice guy... i assure you, because my mom says so

my email add is hotguy_69@hotmail.com
haha, well at least youre honest

ewww john...too much information there :(

i think we don't need to know that you're jacking off 3 times a day :(
sorry guys, i went overboard with the role-play

John Smith is a common name
so it could be a fake one
i might have used a boring one like this to make myself look like a real boring person
..for reasons like i might be concealing my real identity

well, whatever, i just don't like to receive any SPAM from pornsites on my main email add so i'm using another email account for joining sites that are porn-related
and since John Smith is a common name...

as for the real me...

i like hentai because watching too much porn made them sluts look like animals... and because i'm an anime fan

when i say fan, i'm not like those otakus who cosplays and stuff like that... well, i might but i'm too lazy and it's too embarrassing

i have never gone to a convention, because my place never holds one

i'm not fat or hairy...

i don't masturbate 3x a day

i really don't have a girlfriend, but that's because i don't go out so much these days and i had just recovered from a failed relationship...

hell whatever
i'm probably going to write down an autobiography by then


forget it, i'm not that vain :)
Monster Girl
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