hey welcome Killnight
(this is all probably a tad obvious, but hopefully, youll get something out of it)
well the forums here are really nice and friendly (even Incoherent Babbling (known as IB) in a weird kinda way...maybe).
If you do feel a bit intimidated at first, just lurk around a bit and see how everybody else posts. But remember that IB is IB and should stay in IB, but if are there, Im pretty sure anything is game. You should find plenty of people who have similar interests in the Anime/Manga sections, and you can discuss the various things you read/watch. They are generally all great people in there :)
Be sure to check out the Food and Cooking section, there is a contest every month, with a theme (this month its poultry). Various writing competetions show up randomly in the Writing and Lemons Section and either the site or the scanlators hold competetions now and then (like pumpkin carving for halloween). Seeing as you seem to be into fitness, there is a Sports and Fitness section, so if you need any help/hints, or feeling like giving it.
Anyway, willkommen bei Fakku (sorry if the grammer is wrong - I took German for 3 years and still cant write/speak for shit)