Bookmark Restock


Is these bookmarks going to be in stock again ?

Chie Boobmark

Is there a way to get notified if their going to be back in stock ?

Thank you
Holy cow! I generally don’t buy explicit merch but these are hilarious! Instabuy if they come back in stock.
rockb.blues wrote...
Holy cow! I generally don’t buy explicit merch but these are hilarious! Instabuy if they come back in stock.

I know right ?! :D I love these.

Come on Fakku! When do we get more of these ?
I also agree I want that bookmark for the lulz might even buy 5 to give to a few friends.
I'm also curious about a restock because I ordered one previously and never received it, so I was hoping to get it added on to a future order.
I emailed fakku asking about it a few days ago.
Still waiting for a reply.

I really want to buy a few of theses for my manga :D
I emailed as well Unfortunately...


We currently have no plans to reprint the bookmark but it is certainly possible in the future.

Let me know if there is anything else I could assist you with.

-- Tori"

metal one looks p awesome, would love to see some more options too