Noobie Questions

Hi All, love the work you do.
I've been building my Fakku collection for awhile now, currently sitting at 45 volumes.
There are several books from your earlier catalogue which I'm looking to get that are out of print, volume one of The Otaku in 10,000B.C volume one being chief among them. Will older licenses be reprinted once covid-19 is over or has the license for printing these older titles expired?
Secondly, is there a place where we can request that Fakku look into licensing certain series? Cause I have an ungodly number of series I would throw my money at you for.
YQII FAKKU Translator
We're still (re-)printing books, although there are some slowdowns due to the pandemic. You can see the current schedule/status for reprints in this topic (which includes Otaku Vol.1!), and new licensing requests can be posted in the suggestions topic. I hope that answers your questions.
Yup that covers it, Thank you.
Also if I have purchased Fakku Content from other sources such as RightStuf is there a way to add those titles to my digital library?
YQII FAKKU Translator
Herufaiaboi wrote...
Also if I have purchased Fakku Content from other sources such as RightStuf is there a way to add those titles to my digital library?

The free digital edition is an exclusive perk we offer when you buy directly from us. Depending on your shipping situation, it might be cheaper to buy the physical book from a third party and the digital from us, but otherwise it's recommended to buy directly from FAKKU to take advantage of the free digital copy offer.