
Okay so I think y'all seriously need to make wallets like I really want an official fakku wallet made in conjunction with the hentai artist.
slip of death wrote...
Okay so I think y'all seriously need to make wallets like I really want an official fakku wallet made in conjunction with the hentai artist.
This needs to be a thing!
derman190 wrote...
slip of death wrote...
Okay so I think y'all seriously need to make wallets like I really want an official fakku wallet made in conjunction with the hentai artist.
This needs to be a thing!

Only if there RDIF security inside them.
muzicfreq One tired person
animefreak_usa wrote...
derman190 wrote...
slip of death wrote...
Okay so I think y'all seriously need to make wallets like I really want an official fakku wallet made in conjunction with the hentai artist.
This needs to be a thing!

Only if there RDIF security inside them.

Also cant be cheap vinyl ones since those rip easily.