EvENT9 H0riz0N4 wrote...
I was under the impression that past figures weren't going to be available, just figures from 2016 and onward. A lot of these say only 2 left in stock, so once the stock is gone is that it? If so, that is really sudden and too bad. I wish there was more advanced notice, as I would of planned things differently for myself (maxed out the spending quota for February already). It just incredibly bums me out.
Some of the figures on the store we were able to get our hands on really last minute (like, last night). They are basically the last bits of stock from Native.
Once the stock is sold, that's it. Native does not re-release their figures.
I highly recommend jumping on a figure when we put up the pre-order period. Going forward we will be doing tons more pre-orders for figures.
Our current pre-orders are:
Midnight Alice