What type of content would you like to see more of on FAKKU?

What type of content would you like to see more of on FAKKU?

Total Votes : 8,027
Hypothetically of course, what would you like to see more of?
Shiroyama Homonculus' Groupie
All of them.

However, I'd prefer more Doujinshi and if I was being specific, I'd like to see some Kantai Collection parodies. My ship girls need some love too.
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
Shiroyama wrote...
All of them.

However, I'd prefer more Doujinshi and if I was being specific, I'd like to see some Kantai Collection parodies. My ship girls need some love too.

Yes! And the D.L. Action series! And the Akiko-san to Issho series too!

While we are at it: "Ane Maru Mono" by Pochi. and "Elf-San Wa Yaserarenai" by Methonium are two (non-h) series I would love to see getting licensed and simu-published by fakku.
Hypothetically speaking here, would the videos be censored or uncensored? It's awesome that you're able to get the manga, doujins, and games uncensored, but I have a bad feeling getting videos and getting uncensored versions would be much more difficult...

Although, if you can, one of my top picks, that would make sense since you publish Bosshi's h-manga chapters, would be Futa Club! That series is one in desperate need of an uncensored release! Heck, get the doujins as well if you can! That'd be amazing to get all of the Futa Club series uncensored and available for purchase!
Dashiell DirtyDeedsDunDirtCheap
There are gems on DLSite that deserve proper English release and developers deserve better platform than that blood sucking DLSite.
FAKKU already puts out a good amount of manga, and I'm not sure they could even handle doing much more at this point in time from a human resource perspective. I'm already very happy with the current pace on the manga front. The only thing I'd like to see improve here as of now is some more darker content being released. Vanilla is nice and all, but I need me some mindbreak and NTR done well like with ShindoL. Also, more monster girls are never a bad thing and I'm dying for a full tankoubon with them.

FAKKU also has increased the pace in getting doujins up for sale and I think the current pace and selection is pretty good. The only thing I'd like to see as far a doujins are concerned is physical English copies becoming more routine. Of course, getting some more artists' work would also be nice.

Games could be interesting, but considering there already exists the likes of Mangagamer, JAST, Denpasoft, Sekai Project, and so on it would probably be limited to more indie stuff. My game backlog is already too big, so this would probably not interest me too much but could be a nice platform for the indie game developers, especially eroge and nukige ones, nonetheless.

Now videos really has peaked my interest. As it stands, almost no ero anime content has been licensed in North America since something like 2009, save for a handful of titles from Soft Cell the last couple months. Moreover, all of the streaming for ero anime is currently only accessible from dark side sites where the content creators and license holders don't get any of the action. While there's pay per view offered by like Critical Mass, Kitty, and ASM for the older stuff, that's a pretty outdated model and does not include anything from recent years. Not to mention, at PPV pricing you may as well buy the DVDs anyhow.

Given how frequently I seek out new ero anime releases, I voted videos because I'm dying for a legal site to watch ero anime UNCENSORED and in HD. It would be awesome if we could get this stuff uncensored in a "simulcast" type fashion legally. I would gladly pay something like $10 to $20 a month for this privilege. If FAKKU could make this happen somehow, similar to how Crunchyroll does subscriptions for videos, I'd be super stoked. A download to own option would be nice as well, if uncensored, but if I had to choose between that and streaming, I'd choose streaming because it has the better value for the money in the amount of content I can view in a given time. Now I'm dreaming of a FAKKU ero video service and how awesome that could be...
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
エロカワ wrote...
more monster girls are never a bad thing and I'm dying for a full tankoubon with them.

How about a kickstarter with a bunch of monster girl books?
There is never enough manga, especially books.

That said, actual printed doujin translations would be wonderful as well, so if Fakku were to publish some for retail (and not as collector-only limited item for a single convention as seems to have been the case with Saitom's Box) I would surely be thrilled. I understand there might be copyright issues as it is not an original material, but still... it would be wonderful to have physical copies in english available even to people outside of US.

For example having a translated copy of Kisaragi Gunma's Amagami Harem Root... one can only dream.
Forum Image: https://static.doujins.com/f-c49yv8ka.jpg
Doujin's and more Manga titles, please.

Though it's wishful and unlikely, I would adore (ADORE!) having an uncensored
translated copy of Kanako's Fluffy Diet by Kiyoshirou Inoue.
YQII FAKKU Translator
GODsHandOnEarth wrote...
エロカワ wrote...
more monster girls are never a bad thing and I'm dying for a full tankoubon with them.

How about a kickstarter with a bunch of monster girl books?

As frequent of a request as this might be, it's a practically non-existent genre when it comes to commercial manga. Often you only get one or two chapters of it in a book, and "monster girl" is also a very broadly defined term where the vast majority falls under either some form of animal girl or demon girl. If we're talking lamias, centaurs, slime girls, etc., you have maybe a dozen or so artists who regularly publish their works in a few magazines. As a result, if you're looking for books with 100% monster girl content, there's only a handful out there. We are working on getting more monster girl content though.
YQII wrote...

As frequent of a request as this might be, it's a practically non-existent genre when it comes to commercial manga. Often you only get one or two chapters of it in a book, and "monster girl" is also a very broadly defined term where the vast majority falls under either some form of animal girl or demon girl. If we're talking lamias, centaurs, slime girls, etc., you have maybe a dozen or so artists who regularly publish their works in a few magazines. As a result, if you're looking for books with 100% monster girl content, there's only a handful out there. We are working on getting more monster girl content though.

How about something along the lines of [Kisen] Yotogizoushi ~Eromanga Nippon Mukashibanashi~? It has more than enough monster girl chapters plus some very dark content (which seems to be another frequent request around here); not to mention it being a Wani tank. Would probably kill two birds with one stone.

I myself prefer the more lighter of Kisen's works, but for others who happen to be either monster girl and dark fans, this one could work very well.
oppaiknight From the Cleave Age
エロカワ wrote...
FAKKU already puts out a good amount of manga, and I'm not sure they could even handle doing much more at this point in time from a human resource perspective. I'm already very happy with the current pace on the manga front. The only thing I'd like to see improve here as of now is some more darker content being released. Vanilla is nice and all, but I need me some mindbreak and NTR done well

Some magazine that focuses solely on non-vanilla would be great. :)
Everything released by FAKKU has been very high quality. If you guys started releasing games and videos I am sure they would be as well.

I know there is no other section to the poll, but I just wanted to suggest Art Books.

Would give a lot to have more Art Books.
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
Well, the first answer to come to mind is clearly ALL OF THEM...

No but seriously, keeping the usual stream of manga is plentiful enough (of course, more won't be unwelcome), but more doujinshi would be nice.

Games and Videos are great too. So...yeah, essentially all of them.
I'd say stick to your guns, manga and doujinshi. This is what you do best and what we come here to see. The vanilla crowd wants more vanilla and the more deviant types want more of that stuff too. The library is slowly growing in all directions but I think it's rather unfortunate for people who do prefer the less happy content.

But if you really are looking for other directions, I'd say h-games are woefully underdeveloped. There are more players in the market lately, but because of the nature of that media, there's just always going to be more games in need of proper work. Or if you wanted to develop original games that would be fucking awesome too. Anime... honestly that's my lowest priority because I've never been big on h-anime. It just doesn't compare for me.
SirDougles Minister of Shitposts
I think Doujinshi and Manga are at a good pace and are the crutch of you business model. With that said, it might be best to expand the base. I voted for Videos because I think that would be the best considering two variables:

1) It would possibly be easier to offer streaming videos (with download options later down the line) as opposed to games. Although Games desperately need support, H or Not (Not many VN get liscensed and released in America), it just wouldn't be easy. Essentially Videos are more feasible than Games is my first argument

2) It makes more sense given the fact that a lot of Hentai are actually adaptations of the H-Mangas we read. So from a customers perspective it might be more attractive to see the video adaptation of a personal favorite (for example, I would personally love to see adaptations of Ikuhana Niro's work) and although I know you may not be directly related to it's creation it would be appreciated if you were the providers. So I guess my second argument would be; Be a "one stop shop" for Ecchi.

I know Sub-Desu tried to go legit and they are still around (although it's a different kind of legit I believe, I don't think they get licenses), but I believe given your success over the years after "going legal" that you could become a "household name of hentai". I'm sure in the not so distant future, you'll be offering all these categories.
Kamiyama03 Introverted Pervert
More doujinshi titles would be nice. When Fakku Books was first announced, I recall getting excited when I saw Ishigaki Takashi being on the list of creators signed with Wani, of which I know of from his Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha doujins. I know it's probably more difficult to release doujins instead of books, but hypothetically speaking, it would add some nice variety.
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
I'd say stick to your guns, manga and doujinshi. This is what you do best and what we come here to see.

Agree with that completely.

Of course, concerning the videos, that would depend – are we talking subbing or dubbing? Newly released videos (simulpublishing) or older content? Censored or uncensored? As for the sub x dub issue, unless we are talking new releases, there are plenty fan-made subs floating around (lower quality than that which Fakku would make, I'm sure, but still enough to discourage people from purchasing the newer Fakku version), while dubbing is pretty expensive and time-consuming thing to do; and so would be decensoring those videos.

But in the end, while high-quality manga and doujins are really hard to find, the internet is flooded with h-videos enough as it is.

And games, at least decent ones, are a very long-term endeavour (unless we are talking the mass-produced trash, which is easy enough to make, but generally very low-quality, plus the inter-webz are rife with these as well). Of course, this too would entirely depend on what role Fakku would be meaning to take, whether simply providing purchase links and language localization & translation to existing game developers (which could work to a certain degree), or if you would actually want to make original h-game content yourselves (which quite honestly might be too big a leap). Also, same issue as with the videos – censored or uncensored (getting a game decensored might actually be even harder than a video); dubbing or subbing?

But seeing as Fakku is presently the only good and active manga publisher on the English market (shame on you, Project-H!), it would probably be – at least in my opinion – for the best to keep what you already have and focus on manga and doujins.

EDIT: also the Art books mentioned by luckydog sound like a very nice idea.

EDIT 2: also, assuming you don't go digital-only, but instead decide to sell DVDs, Blu-Rays etc. for the videos or games as well, there might be a problem with region codes. While mangas and doujins can pretty much be sold worldwide (with the exception of a few countries excluded due to the licensing agreement, but even there it can be sold via a third party), hard copies of videos and/or games could be region-locked; not sure myself how big an issue this might be or even if it can't be bypassed entirely (I mean, of course it can be bypassed from a technical standpoint, but the original publisher might have an issue with allowing it, since the disc might find its way back onto his home turf), just saying it might be an issue especially for non-US markets, which could in turn hurt Fakku's sale figures.
Doujinshi and, of course, more officially published manga, would be the best choices from a rational perspective. Uncensored doujin books are something we need to see more of and the translating/editing workflow goes well with what Fakku is already doing. If they're going to spread out into other media types, they'll need to really compete with other companies and also hire on a lot more help to get the work done. Videos would come second, then games, the latter of which I imagine is the most labor intensive and highest risk to pursue.
Voted for more Doujin, but I would also like to see manga that other publishers wouldn't pick up due to their content such as Kiss X Sis or Taku Kitazaki's Cupid No Itazura series, even if it's only just a digital release.