What type of content would you like to see more of on FAKKU?

What type of content would you like to see more of on FAKKU?

Total Votes : 8,027
I have to say I would like to see more Doujin works on FAKKU, but I would like to see these Doujin get a physical release. I like owning physical objects, digital is great and all, but holding a book in your hand is very rewarding.
Reptex Lover of Nekos
I would also love to see more of all 4. If I were to put up a specific request, it would be an official English release of the Yosuga no Sora visual novel. The anime and manga adaption of it, would also be most welcome.
I remember days long past when Fakku! was full of Doujins.

Of course those days are over because most of them were free and less-than-legitimate but it would be nice if you guys could figure out a way to get more small-name artist and fan drawn stuff.........
I would be more than happy to get a physical copy of Giri Giri Sister from Gunma Kisaragi so yeah bring me more MANGA LoL
well i would say games IF you guys bring good ones like Walkure Romanze or Monster Girl Quest
but to be honest all the options are really good
I would love to see you license works by Mira (circle name 'peachpulsar'), Takano Saku (circle name 'Waterfall'), and Homura Subaru (circle name 'Homuraya★Pleiades'.) There really isn't much yuri on this site at all; I've already bought literally every yuri book you have :(
lot of new doujins recently, but reluctant to buy unless they come with physical copies.

Doujins in Japan cost 500-800 yen usually(i think?). I would be willing to pay an inflated price for physical english/uncensored doujins from fakku.
English physical releases~ I much prefer the feel of an actual book in my hands. As for what content I'd like to see in them: tanned/dark skin girls, school swimsuit stuffs. Would love to see some trap/femboy and yaoi physical content as well <3
Definitely mangas and doujins because in japan they are censored ... but it would be nice to bring more authors in the place of many that I see in your page that are not so well known, however I am aware that it could be complicated, but I would support buying those products .
I vote manga all the way, as I don't have interest in doujinshi or AV.

Games on the other hand could be interesting, depending on the handling. I've only played a few of them as most are Japanese only which I cannot read.
I just really want to see ANGEL club get uncensored and translated. For that reason alone I voted for manga, despite understanding that it is the other fields that are lacking in content. If it's impossible to have ANGEL club for one reason or another, I'd probably lend my vote to games. So many great ero games out there, but the censoring is an eyesore.

I really wish Japan would repeal that archaic law, though I wouldn't want to be the politician who proposed it. It's a shame, but I suspect it's here to stay.
Just to throw out my opinion, I'd love for some more doujinshi on the site. If I could make a request, Studio Tiamat, also known as Tanabe on the site, has the best Blazblue Doujinshi that I'd love to see on here. A physical release would be longshot, but I'd buy that in a heartbeat.
The day that all h-manga released in Japan in magazines or tanks is released in the US within a month is the day that I will be satisfied.
More Doujin, i guess. Thats the kind of stuff that tends to fly under my radar unless its shoved in my face.

Would like more magazines though, *cough* Hotmilk *cough*
manga & doujinshi. believe that's also what's most popular. ^^
I was at your AWA panel today in Georgia, I saw some really promising things and decided to sub. I cant wait to see what you guys do. I really want to see all categories as well. But as a gamer, im very interested in the games as well. Thanks! Also cudos to your team that was at the panel as they did great in their presentation and being my first time at a convention much less a FAKKU panel, they made a welcoming atmosphere and very friendly. I was scared it would be awkward and treated poorly. I was shown wrong. Good job guys.
I voted Videos but didn’t realize at the time that Doujin were also a high priority of mine. I really would like it for Fakku to reach out to more artist and circles in Japan, who’s works that have not seen the light of day in the west officially, finally get picked up from fakku and licensed in English but also uncensored and sold here. And I agree with whoever said it here is that if possible give their doujin a a non-limited run physical edition please like a regular Tankobon. I would happily pay for it. So #1 Doujins, #2 Video, #3 Manga and last but not least #4 Games.
I would love to see subtitled JAV.
Can't believe I subscribed to this and they don't have what I can find for free myself.
Are cleaned up, uncensored, new anime parodies too much to ask for?!
I vote for videos, because often the censorship in doujinshi isn't enough to distract or ruin the experience. Lightsaber dicks and pussies aren't the most common form that artists use, typically it's just some black bars over the lips, clit, frenulum, or elsewhere. But compare that hentai anime where the entirely of the genitals are fully obscure, it sucks! You can't appreciate the artists depiction of naughty bits because there's basically nothing to see.