This is where I'm going to put my art for "! Fakku You !" the story that I'm writing. The first character is York who is of course me. I want some comments on the design.
Keep in mind that if the wind were blowing hard enough to billow the coat like that, the coat's left shoulder (which is loose) won't keep on like that.
Increase the volume of the hair, because from the look of the hair seems the character's skull seems out of shape. The belt that goes around the stomach would not be able to stay in its position unless there is something to support it. For example another belt that goes around the shoulder and connected to it. I hope you get what I'm writing here...
Thanks for all the good criticism guys. Yeah after posting it an seeing all you put out I felt a little down but I'm back up. I can take criticism unlike a lot of people. I'll use it to become better. I'm very inexperienced so I have much to learn. Good thing Fakku has a lot of good artist I can learn from.