mibuchiha wrote...
@Tsurayu: hahaha...that is interesting. well, here that kinda thing is common though...I bet half of the wives in my place think of sex as a "responsibility" to the husband...and not to be enjoyed at all.
thats mainly because we are very selfish when it comes to sex, to the extent some guys don't even care for foreplay, just plug, shake and pour; maybe she didn't find sex as a gratificating thing to because of that. It's really sad some women don't find sex interesting because of their couple.
I lost Virginia back in highschool when I was 15, well I got a handjob from an ex since she was afraid of sex and I was fukken horny as any teenager XD. Nowadays I think sex is good every now and then, has awesome effects on your health and other shit, but I see it like a thing for every now and then, not to do on a weekly basis. I read some opinions about how rubbers spoil it, you should try extra sensitives or extra thin rubbers, those are the shit! pretty close to bareback, not there but close enough.