link1438 wrote...
I'm starting to believe this MIGHT actually be real, as the other day, I saw a COMMERCIAL talking about a company that was Preparing for the Inevitable. "We want to give everyone a chance of survival"
Now, so far I've only seen this on the Comedy Network, so it could be an elaborate prank from them. However, it did not sound like the Comedy Network's standard commercials, nor did it appear fake. Of course It could have been made Third-Party and was asked to be aired on Comedy Network.
It was advertising some organization that would help protect people when 2012 came? Probably a commercial for a movie coming out, called "2012."
I am all but certain that there is no real organization planning to save people from the 2012 apocalypse. A few guys might be hiding out in a basement, but they wouldn't have a big shelter or anything.