Fiery_penguin_of_doom wrote...
A hard question is one that can't be answered in five second with google. A suggestion of a hard question would be "What is the exact number of drugs The Jesus has done within a 24 hr period." Second suggestion is what is the average distance an emperor penguin travels during the mating season. Third suggestion is how many sides does a circle have? (Think outside the box)
for the jesus drug question, i believe the band queens of the stone age can cover that.
the emperor penguin thing... not a clue. and i tried alot of different links on google too.
a circle, if 2 dimensional, has one side. if its 3 dimensional... depends on if its hollow, it could have two sides(inside/out). but my short college education has taught me that theres usually no such thing as zero, the answers usually infinite... jesus is probably right, i was just taking a shot in the dark.
heres some more questions.
if you were in a game of russian roulette, would you go first or second and why?
two men are found in a cabin in a hillside, dead. what happened?
What starts on four legs, then on two, then on three? lol this is a devil may cry mind bender