Lamz0r wrote...
doswillrule wrote...
I know the longest dictionary-defined word (probably not the one you're thinking of), but it's maybe a little too geeky and pointless to post. And of course, there's no proof that I actually typed it. :P
You mean nejneobhospodařovatelnějš� :)
But write that one you were reffering to, I'm always eager to learn something new about english, nah.
Even longer, and very well. :P
It's supposedly a lung disease caused by silica dust, most prominent in miners near volcanoes (unsurprisingly, and this is at least what I remember); feel free to copy paste it into google, though. The bracket is because I've seen it spelt with a c or a k there. I did just type that, btw; I read it enough times from a book years ago to say it to someone, and it just stuck.