I believe [z] would be your man for this.
what software do you use to backup your entire hard disk?
Personally, I just ghosted an image of a clean install with apps all set up once and have that ready for a restore should the need arise.
My actual files I just copy to harddisks, then swap them out and put them into safe storage. If you're worried about keeping things synched up, you could use filesync or something, but I prefer just keeping complete revisions of my home dir.
What data recovery apps should I use aside from Undelete Plus? What are you using?
I once lost an external drive while actually backing it up and so lost the most recent 5 gb of data that hadn't been mirrored in previous backups. I however had had those on an mp3 player, too, but deleted them already. Luckily, the player was FAT formatted, so I restored the data with Easy Recovery or RMF, not sure which one it was at this remove. Both these apps will probably make experts groan in agony, but I managed to recover what data I was missing.
Best of luck to you, but 200gigs without backups? Seriously?