Kallen wrote...
Gin Katana wrote...
Those are true hereos
Looking at this video makes me want to join
I love how they say do you want to have fun? All I am thinking is do you want to be in pain?
It is very tough like I said for me I had to study all day and all night everyday not kidding either. When I wasnt going over stuff I was running so Id be able to keep up. I passed out 6 times while I was there just from it being so tough. But yes the things you will learn and gain from this program are greater then anything else. It will change your life forever.
By the comment makes me feel special thank you ^^
I was thinking similarly. Obviously I haven't been through it, but realistically thinking...fire is hot. And people die in that profession.
But I guess saving lives is a noble pursuit and shit.
Also reminded me a bit of those commercials for the military that are like, "Join the NAVY! Be awesome! Fuck YEAH!"