just thought i start a thread where u can post ur fav anime posters. i'm more looking for the ones with a black background and a caption underneath but if u hav others which are particularly awesome then feel free to post them!
Aw, I got excited because I thought I could show my wallscroll that I love very dearly lol
I've only seen a few, I wasn't big on 4chan. Not enough common sense there and too much immaturity. I think that's where these came from, right?
I can't find the bible one but that was my favorite. I have a friend on my buddy list who looves these images. When I see him online I'll ask him to send me a few, he has that bible one too.
stronger is better if we eliminate the weak then only the strong shall egsist..... wow theres my output of evil comments for the day
Making the strong seem normal. that why i perfer to just walk around with nukes. its a nice way of telling every tough guy around you to politely go fuck themselves