[color=#006FFF]Thanks, Green!
As far as new drawings go, I only have this one I did as more of a spur-of-the-moment thing since I had hips on my mind all day today and all last night. I actually sketched this picture out in class (pretty sure the professor saw, lol) and decided to make something of it! : )
I also wanted to try coloring with different skin tones for a change, so that's partly why I have the tan, dark, and lighter tones in the image. I think it looks nice anyway. Yay for beautiful women of all colors?!
[color=#006FFF][size=11]Note: I did the bar less for censoring and more for covering my ass because I don't have much practice drawing the flowers beneath. (There's actually nothing but a flat surface underneath the bar... o3o) But I'm sure your imagination can do that part for you, n'est-ce pas? ;D[/h]
Oh, and you may have noticed already, but yeah, I'm also using this as my little sig-link here. Symmetry!