ShaggyJebus wrote...
What I'm more concerned about is why Asians from different countries look different. For example, a Japanese person will (supposedly) get offended if you think they look Chinese, and vice versa. I have heard that there are true differences between a person from one Asian country and another, but why?
I mean, I can't look at someone from New York and someone from Texas and tell any difference (if clothes and speech aren't an indicator), and there's a lot more distance from Texas to New York than from China to Japan.
I'm not trying to be racist - I simply don't understand it and would like some sort of explanation.
its not being racist, but everyone has to realize that we are still of different races. Japanese and koreans were once chinese, heck, though im chinese, i cant even tell if an east asian is japanese or chinese alot of times, and ive been mistaken for a japanese tons of times too. There are indicators of the differences between the 3 but its not so obivous at times (especially if they are not talking).
It's human nature to generalize things. And that means psychologically generalizing looks as well until you see enough of them to learn to differentiate them. You cant tell the difference between 1 lion with another, an entire pride of 30 lionesses all look like clones to you (minor differences but hard to tell).