"The Classification Board have determined that female ejaculation is not a real event and therefore all issue from a women’s vagina is piss and therefore covered under the parameters in the Guidelines for †˜golden showers’."
And because I don't feel like repeating myself, this is what I said as a comment to the article:
"I'm.................fucking speachless.
Not only is it stupid to connect small breasts with pedofeilia, as there are plenty of grown women with small breasts, but now the Australian government is sending the message that small breasts are unexceptable on all but children, and that if you are a grown woman you must have large breasts, otherwise your physical symbol of womanhood is no better than a little girl. Even if you are a mature woman, if you have A-cups, you're no better or more grown up than a child.
And not only that, the female orgasm is now illegal too!? The symbol of female pleasure in the bed is illegal!? That to me sends the message that it's not okay for a woman to take pleasure in sex, that it's bad for a woman to think that sex feels good. And that only a man can think sex feels good, or only a man is allowed to.
So what, now all women must follow the steriotypical image that all girls are stacked, and no woman could take pleasure, or shouldn't take pleasure in sex. These new policies may not be saying this directly, but they sure as fuck are implying it. This is just wrong on so many fucking levels because of the principles and morals these bans imply."
Sorry a bit out of topic
I'm planning to go to Perth, Australia and I'm bringing my anime and eroge collection in my HD, will I have difficulties with the airport customs? Can anyone give me an opinion? Thanks
Maybe cuz they know that after the end of ze world they will be the only coutry left so theire gonna run the new world in a super regime based on power and so one day a lone boy will have to stand up to them, on his journey he will meet many other people who also have the same views as him so they will join up, soon there will be a band of adventurers on the way to australia to stop their new world order, but there will be a spy among the ranks and so... then an anime will be made about it and something something something etc....
...So they're basically denying the existence of an event? Australia is run by a lot of Idiots, it's becoming more apparent lately. (Michael Atkinson a prime example.)