lol01 wrote...
Sisami wrote...
zeKer_pencil wrote...
Though i find incest in 2d fine... i CANT do such thing....
We talked... and guess what he said....
"im not listening to your bitching! I trusted you! Goddamn liar!"
Then he adds another left to my shoulder....
I really dont get him....
Can't you just hit him?
I agree with sisami,why don't you just hit him!
I told myself NEVER to hit anymore... But he's starting to make me twitch due to being pissed...
After that event.... I tried again.... Heres the outcome which makes it more stupid...
Me: come on! its not my fault, alright?
him: oh really? I saw you grab her like affectionate! (thats the actual words)
me: she just tripped ya know...
him: some trip! is grabbing her waist and chest tripping?
me: i just catched her stupid MoFo!
him: shut up! I cant hear you!
then he adds another gut blow...
at this time, a guy would hit back...
If i dont clear this misunderstanding... we'll be deep in shit...