im started this little game for two reasons; one, i wanna see what people come up with. two, ive been thinking about some ideas for a new drawing and input on this would be great inspiration. so it begins!
i want yous to pick 2 characters from your favorite cartoon(anime or nay) or video game character and pit them against each other. keep in mind that its hard to match like, goku(dbz) to naota(flcl) or something, just go with it the way cross-universe games like super smash brothers did: all their powers and capabilities are somewhat equal. when you have a good match post it and see what others say about it!
my first one would be...
gutz (berserk)

vash (trigun)

they both have supernatural powers, both sport a hell of a weapon... i give the win to gutz for the lone fact that he would fight to the death, vash would attempt to incapacitate him and gutz aint one for going down easy. what do you guys think? i wanna see some sweet battles!
it has been brought to my attention that this has been done before, but depending on its popularity im gonna try to continue it with championships and the like, kinda like how mote mote works. that other one didnt show up when i searched it though so :s sorry.