crimson tears wrote...
rengo wrote...
um in that new one you look really good
ehh if this is about the rs im sorry cause i kinda take your women
but on a serious note nothings so bad you have to kill your self
go to anime conventions find girls that like what you like
this isn't about rs man thats fine it's just my whole life is kinda killing me at the moment and losing erin the other night was another laseration on my heart I'm being held together by a hairs width of hope for a happy life and a meaninfull relationship if i could paint how i see my heart it would be a angel hanging by a firey noose with broken wings and torn flesh a single crimson tear rolling down hear cheek the last remnats of happyness memorys of a better time have all benn bled from her as as she hangs there waiting to die sigh if only i could paint or do something to express how i feel i might actually feel better and thanks for your oppinions people
The main thing you need to remember is that a girlfriend will not make you happy. A girlfriend may help, but it is up to
you to make yourself happy. If you have self-esteem problems,
you have to fix them or get help. If you're unhappy and you're not sure why,
you have to figure out why and do something about it.
Humans don't get into relationships just to feel better about life. We get into relationships to bond with another person and share life with that person. If you're unhappy before getting into a relationship, then if that relationship ends, you're going to be really unhappy. But if you're happy when you get into a relationship, even if the relationship ends, you'll still be able to be happy (after the fallout, of course).
Or, as the saying goes, "You can't love someone else until you love yourself."
I'm not saying you should stop trying to get with a girl. You just have to remember that getting a girlfriend isn't the best thing that could ever happen in your life. It's just one part of the great experience that is life.
Some more help - confidence matters. A lot. If you're confident, then girls will be more attracted to you. If you're worrying about whether your hair looks shitty or the clothes you're wearing look good, girls are going to notice that. Chicks smell fear, man. I know it can be hard to be confident, but if you keep trying, you'll get there.