jmason wrote...
(like a "World of Ice" exhibit)
This sounds interesting. Is this something close to what it looks like? Or is it a sculpture type exhibit?
It's a good place to break the ice on a date, more or like "warming up" on your squeeze. Or a place to release some pent-up stress and forget for 2 hours that you're more than 18 years old. It's basically a place for simple, unadulterated fun.
Sometimes the carnivals in the Philippines vary depending on the place; some enjoy the "perya" in the provinces where there are raffle games, parlor games, simple makeshift merry-go-rounds and 60-feet-high makeshift ferris wheels.
This sounds like what we do here, I've always enjoyed it being simple.
Some go to the "karnabal", which employs a lot of trapeze acts, crazy-as-hell displays (such as "Human Spider" and "Real Mermaid" which are pure faked bullshit) and clowns to go along with the rides. They also operate on nighttime, like 6pm to 3am.
This sounds fascinating, I haven't seen acrobats at our fair in years, though. The closest we got to seeing weird stuff was some 2000 pound steer (or some huge weight; it was really disgusting to look at, it was all muscle and bone) that was probably on steroids. The state fair also closes at midnight here.