suki888 wrote...
Kiraneko wrote...
Ive had rabbits before,
They died from sun stroke........
maybe because its too hot in your place?
It's pretty fucking hot in japan... I can understand why the rabbit would have been sad. We had one die from snuffles ages ago... I don't know if it's a big disease outside of aust, but basically, it gets hard mucas or something cover over it's nose, and eyes... eventually they can't breathe or see and die.
As for the cats; this is what the ones I want look like:
Siamese: Not a fan of the overly pointy faced ones
Siamese with cross yes are adorable, haha. We used to have one in the above colour that was cross eyed. Although he was a bit darker all around
Looked a bit more like this:
Loved him. Would always sleep in my arms under the sheets.