Hinata`s Pimp AKA lil`Von wrote...
what if the women tempts a guy knowing that she has a rapex (rapex, i fucking love that name!) could che be charged with assault ?
At first I was like 'wtf, is the raped woman just gonna hand him a condom and go 'here use this'?
But then I realized it was a female condom /slow
I agree with the argument. The woman would just get killed.
If a rapist sticks his dick in and finds out he's going to get a chewed up sausage when it comes out, he'd beat the shit out of her first.
Unsigned wrote...
I don't know. If you have it inside you everyday, wouldn't that turn you horny?
No. It's a condom inside of you, it's not a dildo of any type. It's like having a bag inside your body, hardly arousing. I would never use a female condom.