omnicide wrote...
The Jesus wrote...
I don't drink coffee all that much anymore, if I do its like a cup or one of those iced coffee things from Dunkin Donuts. I had a bad experience once. I used to, against all logic, overconsume coffee, in any form: brewed, crystals, grounds, beans, whatever. One day I overdosed on caffeine and I spent a lot of time sitting on my dresser thinking that there were monsters hiding in the floor, of course that was after I wrote long winded, nonsensical e-mails to half the people I know about god knows what which I thought at the time were personal issues. Looking back its probably one of the funniest mental breakdowns I've ever had. So anyway, after that, I kind of scaled back my coffee consumption.
I can see why. Damn man.
When I was younger me and my brother made this bullshit board game and every square had a number on it. My mom was always buying ridiculous amounts of coffee, I don't even know why, but they were there. So the rules of the game were simple, when you land on a square, you would consume an amount of coffee grounds, or crystals whatever, we had at the time, equal to the number on that square. Usually it was pinches, but sometimes we made the measurements a little bigger. We only played the game a few times, usually when we were having contests with friends to see who could go the longest without sleep.