ZengarZanvolt wrote...
Shashin wrote...
Yeah, it's a nice cover. I made a top ten list a few months back; it's probably a bit dated now since my favorites are constantly changing, but the covers on it would still be among my favorites.
1. Nagomi & Sono - Illust Guerrilla - http://illustguerrilla.web.infoseek.co.jp/ig-hp/makura/21_nagomi-sono/top.html
2. Saber and Rin - Anko Workshop - http://pillow100.blog114.fc2.com/blog-entry-1442.html
3. Suika Ibuki (I think.. don't know Touhou characters for shit) - Blueberry - http://blog-imgs-36-origin.fc2.com/b/l/u/bluetheater/suika-ab-samples.jpg
4. Remilia Scarlet - BW Store/Origin Zero - http://www.bwstore.com.tw/index.php?action=product&do=prd_detail&id=12
5. Chocolate & Vanilla - Neko Works/Sayori - http://www.moejinja.com/view.php?tid=106&cid=2
6. Sakura and Tomoyo (I think that's her name) - Anko Workshop - http://www.mandarake.co.jp/information/2010/07/24/12cmp65/index.html
Had a hard time finding a proper sample image, but I've taken pictures of it before, like most of the cases in this list.
7. Mio - Muranomina/ç´«æºäº - http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2009/06/11/chinese-mio-akiyama-ero-dakimakura-is-pure-quality/
8. Saber - Muranomina/ç´«æºäº - http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2009/06/25/saber-ero-armor-dakimakura/
9. Ikaros & Mitsuki - Anko Workshop - http://blog.xn--er-573a1isbf1441e2hs87j.jp/images/anko_hanetopants_pillow.jpg
10. Okami - 通販特典 - http://yotogiryoiki.blog3.fc2.com/blog-entry-35.html
The list is just a direct copy/paste from an email I sent when I compiled the list, btw. So the random text next to each entry may not apply. :P
Must be nice to have a top 10. I'm approaching 400 and I have yet to have a favorite one. Most probably because I can barely remember all of my wives.
Edit: I just noticed Dizzy is stored in the warehouse already. I'm gonna get it shipped straight away.
It's a very rough top ten for sure. There are just some covers that stick out more than others. And yeah, my Evening Call order with Dizzy just came in last night, but SMJ hasn't invoiced me yet. As soon as I pay it off, I'll probably request an order.
And n0z3bl33d, it can be pretty difficult at first but if you practice at it, you should be able to search out the important parts of a post. I can read a bit of Japanese so it does help in a few cases, but it isn't really necessary if all you want to do is browse for covers; if you use Chrome translation is right at your finger tips.
Searching YJA (excluding the adult section, which only has a fraction of the covers anyway) basically amounts to pulling up the auction page, typing in dakimakura and then selecting the Japanese text for it. Or copy/pasting the name of a particular circle. The only thing you have to worry about is there are a lot of bootlegs on YJA, but you'll start to notice patterns and can avoid them easily enough with a bit of practice, for the most part anyway.
Ordering directly from a circle isn't too hard, either. Just pull up the
dakimakura blog.They put all the relevant information about a specific cover right on the page. The important things are sale type, order date, and material if you have a preference. Some will be event exclusives, but other will be translated to something like "web reception". Those will have a range of dates that the order can be placed within (for some Reason Google translate screws up the translation for this sometimes, so it is something you'll want to learn. It's usually pretty straightforward though, and you can generally skip the kanji and just look at the dates) and clicking the image of the cover will take you to where it's being sold.
Then it's just a matter of asking your proxy to buy the item for you.