ZengarZanvolt wrote...
Shashin wrote...
gbatemper wrote...
Shashin wrote...
Yep! ^^ When you do put in an order, just put something along the lines of "I'd like to pay with Paypal" in the note section, and you should be fine. They'll send you an email, and you can log into your account, click on the order, and you should see a message from them; reply to confirm shipping fees and such, and they'll send you a Paypal payment request.
Is it possible to have them send it to a address that is not your paypal address?
It's cause I use a stealth paypal account(Many reasons)
You'd have to ask them that, I guess. I doubt it would be a problem, since I'm assuming they'll ship to the address you sign up with on their site.
EC has started their paypal payment system?
Just wondering, do you have to communicate in Japanese or will English suffice?
Anyway, close shave, as I said earlier, I only knew about Mark's web order Sena just yesterday in the wee hrs , I placed an order via SMJ but wasn't counting on it, because I don't know if they process orders on Sunday, I received a mail an hr before 10.30PM Japan time that they placed my order, whew!
EC have a good english speaker (or maybe a few). They are quick to respond to questions and very helpful, it's really a good service. I needed to ask them to delay shipment of an order due to my holiday and there was no problems in doing so. They did assume I wanted to pay in dollars (which was bad for me due to exchange rates) and sent me a bill in dollars but having them swap it to yen was no problem either.
Some pics of the takumimakura covers, starting with the URAN one. Wasn't really an artist on my radar before but this cover is so epic I'm definitely going to be keeping an eye on URAN in future.
Front side:
Love how huge her nipples are
Back side:
And love that ass even more.
And the Alto Seneka cover, very nice too but not nearly as epic as the URAN one.
Front side:
Back side: