gibbous wrote...
75% from a/h1n1/09? (M
[size=10]avg[/h]=0.4%!) Seriously?
Is she immunocompromised, or what?
Anyways, if she really has 75% expected mortality from a/h1n1/09, they won't let anyone even remotely near her, so the question of visiting her doesn't even come up in the first place.
That's true yeh, i doubt the 75% thing also.
In anyway, you said you didn't know her right? Well then...
LET THIS BE A LESSON, you never know what happens and within the blink of an eye, that which you hold dear can be taken away.
Never wait to long to say what you feel, this may sound obvious but it is so very true.
Mayby i'll edit this post, to tired to continue my rant...