GourmetPrince wrote...
Waar wrote...
GourmetPrince wrote...
Waar wrote...
yeah you're right, responding to two people at once, I'm taking this shit WAYYYY too seriously... lol
So it's sad that I'm a douche on the internet? whats your excuse?
Well, the way you respond it is if you are backed into a corner. It is only sad that you go to this extent to be a douche on the internet. Especially on Fakku where being a douche isn't very productive.
I don't know, doing things because i find it funny seems productive to me. Being a dick to people really isn't that hard, I mean... how do you do it?
Absolutely. Being a total douche is funny and productive because it entertains the individual. I've been there. It is awesome. However, there are certain ways to go about doing it. If you insist on doing it on Fakku, there are people who are just begging to have it. People who post zombie threads or something in the wrong section may just be making a mistake, but they are also vulnerable to a shit ton of douchebagery.
In a way, being a douche and dancing a very similar. Both entertain the individual. Though, dancing is more of a "hurt yourself" type pleasure, while douchebagery is more of a "hurt other people's feelings" type of pleasure. So dancing alone and being a douche could very well be on the same level of weird.
k, but i don't like dancing, which was the point i made in my first post, before you started hugging my nuts(no offence, but it's true).
blind_assassin wrote...
The only real reason I took any interest in responding to your attitude Waar is because it looks a lot like I did not to long ago and seeing it in someone else made me how pathetic it is to not have anywhere to go aside from being a condescending jerk. I look back on how I used to act and it's embarrassing when I see that all I ever impressed on people was that while I was smart I just went off on everything all the time. Don't you feel limited being unable to do anything other than criticise and hate? I'm still not the nicest person around but I'm a better person than just another internet hate tank. You've said repeatedly how much you pity how "serious" I am but I really do feel sorry for you.
who is looking down on whom? I do post no offensively when i feel the need/want to, or in response to people i respect or like. Mostly if i think something would be funny for myself i post it, no matter the recourse. You can either deal with it or keep giving me material to light up, your call.