After the email that Jacob sent to everyone about the site's downtime, did anyone else get added by random people on MSN?
What annoyed me was 2 things:
1) When I tried to see who they were (searching their email address on myspace xD) 99.9% of them seemed to be 14 or 15... err... underage, anyone?
2) I told someone who added me (before I realised what was going on) that I was from Dakota. He asked me where that was (?_? stupid kid) and then when I said it was a town in the USA, he called me a "Fuckin American Perv"
Now let me get this straight... he was from the UK. Does that make him a UK perv? Or just a clueless idiot child? Im not American and yet I found that offensive.
Stupid kid. Plus I got 26 ADDS from these children. Did this happen to anyone else?
PS: Am 19 today... thought I should just rant a bit xD