manbaby wrote...
with in the last 10 years there hasnt been a movie as original as this and is the only good movie of this summer. the movie isnt a propaganda piece although the first advertising may have made it out to be
Last ten years? Widen your scope a bit. The Godfather, Forrest Gump, Schindler's List, The Pianist, 2001: A Space Odyssey, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Fargo, Silence of the Lambs. There are MANY MANY good films out there to watch, you've just got to be willing to find 'em.
As for District 9, like someone stated earlier, I thought that it started out pretty original and well formulated. However, it degenerated into the typical "change-of-heart" kind of movie with a Spartan Last Stand as an ending. TVTropers must have had a hell of a time with D9.
Overall, it was visually pleasing (HOLY SHIT LIGHTNING RIFLES AND PEOPLE MADE OF EXPLODIUM), but dramatically banal and clichéd.