I am employed by two cats. (Because dogs have owners. Cats have staff.)
My female, who I've had since she was a kitten, is a reverse calico (I think the proper term is tortoiseshell but I find reverse calico is funnier to say), and is named Eris. I chose this name shortly after she was born, I knew she'd live up to it, and she has. XD The male, a pure white tom, is her sibling, but I didn't get him until much later due to circumstances with his original owner. His name is Thor, and I suggested the name and his original owner loved it. He's my big sweetheart, and Eris is the bratty teenager who only loves you when she wants something.
I'd love to have a dog, but I'm unfortunately not financially capable of owning one. Cats are just so much more easier to manage in terms of money, and it's impossible to just up and leave for two days or so if you own a dog and have no one in the immediate area to care for it...
I have a really sweet cat. She loves to snuggle, is very vocal and occasionally yells at me until I start to pet her, occasionally as soon as she wakes up.
I have 3 cats and a dog! One cat is a calico, the other is a tabby american shorthair, and the other is also an american short hair and he's got a tuxedo pattern. My dog is a mini poodle mix, we have to get him groomed a lot since his hair gets really fluffy!
Pets have always been a part of my family. Currently we have 4 pets of 3 different species. My dad has a dog, my sister has a (very crazy) cat and I have two rats (Bill and Jebediah).Yes, I named them after Kerbals, but they're smarter and less likely to cause massive explosions (I hope).
I have a snake, and he's the most adorable fat shoelace ever. Can't say if he's smart or not, because on one hand, he actually thinks that if he freezes on white carpet (he's brown with black circles) then he turns invisible. You can look right at him, and the moment he notices, he'll freeze and pretend to be a branch.
But on the other hand, he likes escaping from his terrarium so much that I actually had to tape it all over to keep him inside - he's smart enough to overcome practically any obstacle between him and freedom.
This little noodle can't even hunt, but he'll do anything to run away.
Black colored with some white on chest Austrian shepherd. It's named Gizmo because well we thought it would be funny if he ever gets lost walking around saying "Have you seen my Gizmo? It's big and kinda hairy?", not that we have minds in the gutter or anything.