Arizth wrote...
I don't care either way.
Sometimes, a mosaic adds to the effect, and sometimes it detracts.
I mean, I've seen vaginas the size of potholes. That, I would like censored.
Agreed. I think I just vomited a little in my mouth thinking about that.
I'm a I don't care. I mean, it IS annoying when there's an obnoxious black bar covering something or worse, a whole blurred visual (cause it's like you can see it, but you can't)
Isn't it like a japanese thing though? Uhm... *searches*
As in Europe, photographs of nudes are not uncommon in the mainstream media. In the 1970s and 1980s, the strongest prohibition was against showing pubic hair or adult genitalia. Imported magazines would have the pubic hair scratched out, and even the most explicit videos could not portray it. Starting around 1991, photobook publishers began challenging this ban to the point where pubic hair is now fairly well accepted. Close-ups of genitalia remain proscribed. In 1999, the government enacted a law banning photos and videos of naked children, which were a fairly common sight in mainstream media before that time. Manga and anime remain largely unregulated, although large publishers tend to self-censor (which is rare if compared to the United States, as nudity is more accepted in Japan) or specify that characters are at least 18 years of age.