Do you prefer to read digital manga or physical copies?

Do you prefer to read digital manga or physical copies?

Total Votes : 3,908

I gotta say nice collection there is that all tokyopop and viz?
"can't really tell"
Nikon wrote...

That is the most beautiful, as well as the sexiest collection of manga I have ever seen from anyone. Those must have been expensive, but even still I want to be just like you :)

Can you tell me the names in order from left-right please?

EDIT: just saw Jakker's collection, and I envy all of you. So far, I have a small collection of Naruto from the tale of Jiraiya going to confront pain up to Kakashi fighting the 7 swordsmen (sry forgot what numbers the are), all of Death Note, Bakuman volumed 1-10, Nana volumes 1-2, and Omamori Himari volumes 1-4.

Also, in regards to the question, I enjoy reading physical copies but I would also like to get the physical version of the digital manga that I read or have read, such as Medaka Box, To Love-ru, Beach Stars, BTOOOM!, The World God Only Knows, etc.
it's not nice to say, but with digital you can have at least one hand free...
digital for me u can all ways come and relook up old books over and over and a bonus of digital is the store may run out but digital doesn't
I prefer physical since even if they do rot at least I don't consume electricity when I want to read them out of a whim
I've always preferred physical copies. Sure, I can take them anywhere, unlike a PC, but I love being able to sit down and read at home, with something I truly do own, not a website giving out bits of data, or renting, if I've paid for it. With digital it feels like I'm just doing more internet stuff, which is an average day for me, no breaks from a computer. And the whole concept of E-Readers seems bittersweet to me; yes, they're compact and portable, and hold shit tons of books, but I don't get the idea of spending so much money to make that possible. That's ~200 bucks you could've spent on other things. Like more books. Unfortunately, the black hole of cheap digital stuff has sucked me in as well, especially since every book store in my town closed, so the nearest book store is over an hour away. Now I have to read new material on a ~4 inch iPod screen.
I prefer to read physical manga
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
GarciaFever wrote...
Nikon wrote...

That is the most beautiful, as well as the sexiest collection of manga I have ever seen from anyone. Those must have been expensive, but even still I want to be just like you :)

I honestly just google image searched this image, but I see no reason not to post some of mine and my wife's manga (click for larger image).

2012-08-21 12.53.48.jpg
Digital, for one, because it's free. I feel bad for the authors though, since only the hosting sites often get the revenues from ads. But the problem is that I'm not in Japan, so it would probably cost a lot to find and buy those non-mainstream ones. I feel like a damn hipster saying that, but, seriously, most of the popular mangas going around become boring after a few chapters. Sometimes there are those that you just so happen to find on a site, a hidden gem if you will, and instantly fall in love with the plot. Sometimes they're new, and you don't have a way of knowing they existed unless you check the new releases of certain hosting sites.
Physical is great but if you're reading an extra long series like Naruto then it's just troublesome. I prefer digital.
i try to buy when ever i can , i love holding manga and expanding my collection.
I prefer physical because I love that feeling I get when I buy a manga, knowing that I worked for it. The feeling doubles when it goes to getting doujinshi hard copies. Especially when Fakku doesn't have them.
Depends on the manga itself , for 100+ pages, i rather read physical copy than scrolling my mouse or click "next" for hundred of times, but for doujin (usually 10 to 50 pages), digital is better.
Digital, but if the physical one already released on my country i'll buy it
because, My internet connection sucks, sometimes its slow and sometimes it automatically stop working. so i got not choice but to buy the Physical for a Countermeasure "if Things Happen That Way".
If I obtain enough money, then my digital prowess MIGHT change
Digital; compactness and easier to hide lol
Digital. Phsyical is expensive. But I buy my favorites.
Digital. I like free things.
Digital. Its more convenient.
I mostly read digital manga, but when a manga ends I tend to re-read it in a physical copy.
Monster Girl
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