Do you watch anime with other people?

Do you watch anime with other people?

Total Votes : 4,271
section8magnet Pervert for Life.
I watch with my Fiancee a lot.
I have friends.
When I watch it in groups there's too many distractions so I prefer to watch alone.
friends and I have tried watching together in the past, but we always end up doing other things like playing magic cards or a board game, and we aren't really able to appreciate it. So now we watch anime separately then compare notes after.
Watching anime with other people never occurred to me as something I would want to do.
Though now that I think of it I have done it before on occasion, not very often though.
all the people i know think anime is dum and for kids and wont even try to check it out with me. so closed minded people are this time and age.
I would't mind watching it would other people because it would make it more interesting, but for now I'm all alone.
Quite a few people actually, it's a good way for me to find new and interesting Anime.
Usually with my boyfriend, I think it's quite boring to watch anime alone.
I try to get my fam and friends to watche it with me but they I am a lone wolf v.v
To watch anime sounds quite same as to drink alcohol.

[size=12](Mention you that I'm not the one who likes to enjoy drinking with others :)[/h]
i mainly read manga, but when i watch anime its alone. since my main friends think anime is gay i made some back up friends for japanese entertainment purposes only.
See, I think if your mother likes anime- odds are the kids are raised watching it/liking it, too. I have complete fests of anime. My children and nephews watch loads of Robotech with me. We also watched My Mermaid Bride on the other day. Thankfully it was all in Japanese and they can't read, so most of the inappropriateness escaped them. They just like the action and anime faces. So anime industry- you're welcome! I'm making new fans for you ;)
I tend to watch it alone. I'm one of those people who likes to be right at the screen watching, so if anyone else wants to watch, they have to be to the side of me. xD Also, it doesn't help that the people that I know of who watch anime usually don't watch the same anime as me... >_> Either that, or they just live too far away to watch it with me. >_
I watch them alone, mainly because there's no one else to watch with (be it friends of family), but also because I like it nice and quiet in such instances, without any unwelcome comment or noise or whatever.
Normal anime i watch with my homeboys. The 'other' kind of anime we all watch... seperatly.
depends really. most of the time i watch by myself, and other times i watch with my anime club
Majority of my close friends i still hangout with Watch anime so theres is almost always someone over while im watching XD
i enjoy watching anime alone. I could laugh all i want, replay scenes I enjoy and most specially no annoying questions about the story, characters, etc... ^^
Better on your own. That way, you can go by your own pace, fast or slow, without having to answer a million and one questions from someone who only just started in the middle of the damn season... personal experience.
Monster Girl
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