Do you watch anime with other people?

Do you watch anime with other people?

Total Votes : 4,271
For me it's either alone or with my brother.
Depends on the genre of the anime, but usually alone. If its h-anime... (looks outside the door -> no one? -> if yes, locks the door tight)
Normally just watch alone however when friends do come over its either anime gaming or both and sometimes a little H on the side when really bored.
im the only one in my family who appreciates the art of anime. so every time i watch it, im

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We're not forever alone if we're all alone guys~!
What is "People"?
At home I always watch anime alone but if I go to a net cafe me and my friends watch it together...xD
I watch it with my girlfriend or my sister depending on what kind of anime it is.I watched Nana with my sister,that was interesting.
Good side of watching alone is that no one will start to make any kind of comments while watching them. I know a lot of people who while watching anything, they will always start to make comments... why can't they just WAIT, until it ended?... Why do they have to start commenting while watching it?
And it is not just for anime... for this exact reason, I watch everything alone.
forever alone with my 42 inch tv and 5.1 sound sytem. thats hooked up to my computer.
Yeah I watch it alone, nobody I know watches anime :'(
[font=Arial][font=Verdana][font=Times New Roman][font=Tahoma][font=Courier New][font=Arial]Some how I thought it meant that I watch a series with other people, but not in the same room! Haha DERP! That being the case then I would have to change my vote to alone. I kind of prefer watching it alone so I can really get sucked into the atmosphere without someone else making a comment or something and breaking me out of the "zone". yah know?[/font][/font][/font][/font][/font][/font]
For me, I like to be engrossed with the story, and you can only do that if you can hear every dammed thing that was uttered by the characters. I get annoyed easily when anyone talks about random stuff or gives stupid comments on the show while watching, so it's better to do it alone.
H-anime is always alone, other shojo anime and all that stuff is with my little bro, but he also watch h-anime dammmmmmit!
It depends on if it's a weekend, I'll watch a series with a friend or I watch alone.
I usually watch Anime/Hentai Alone(Cheeky Bastard)...Because Sometimes my Friends don't usually go to my house every now and then...

BTW.....Anyone Upload the New Chapter of Power Play #7 already here,It was released a while ago...It Was Good Ending....still waiting for the Harem Ending... XD
neh i watch by myself. always have.
Forever Alone for me. Sadly there are too many folks out there who will judge a person due to their tastes.
There are people on this site that don't watch anime? lol...
I am a closeted anime/manga lover, so watching anime with friends is a no-no.
Monster Girl
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