Do you watch anime with other people?

Do you watch anime with other people?

Total Votes : 4,271
I watch it alone cause I look & listen for intelegent and historical refrences to history or western socialogy however if its a comedy I usaly pass rather I just get a 12 pack and watch my idiot friends play politics over the last beer which is funnier to me to watch to see who wins brain or brawn but usally its brawn sometimes there's a battle (ahhh good times good times)
I enjoy the artistic style of anime...

...but most actual anime sucks ass.
I watch it alone... That way, i can have teary eyes and let the HHHNNNNGGGHHH disease attack my heart.
Normally with a friend, but sometimes alone when I m doing marathon or when i m alone...
Nah mostly just alone....not many know about anime where I come from:(
Well, I try to watch anime w/ my friends, but they always have something going on or are always at the game habitat. The locally owned Magic the Gathering and gaming store, which happens to be the only gaming store in the entire area of Monterrey California. We use to watch together back in high school, but after that we did our own thing. :( me's a sad panda.
i watch anime by myself because somebody always has some dumbass comment.
for ever alone ~_~
Anime isn't really something you can share with people. It's so different. I like over the top fantasy anime and hate moe, yet there are people which like the opposite. Just my opinion but inviting your friends over to watch anime or play video games is more sad than watching anime alone. Still a higher plane of redundant acts exists. I present to you all "Reading together". Picture it. Inviting your friends over, so you can be quiet and ignore each other while you read books.
I watch it alone because i like to. but i have freinds to watch with , but we always find someting to do and dont watch xD
it depends if the anime is just like nobodies girl (remi) it's ok to watch with my family, friends of my bestfriends comes in the house just to watch anime that has just been released or new.I feel uneasy when my sister watches with me if we watch anime that has ecchi scene in it WHAT MORE IF IT'S MY FATHER!
Nikon wrote...
Forever alone~~ T_T

holy crap nikon posted and I watch alone
I recently got my dad into anime and sometimes I watch stuff with him.
I watch it alone, then talk about it with friends when we meet up. Sooo sort of forever alone?
Heh, me too.
99% of series I'm seen alone.
Few of my friends watch anime too, but we just talking about it.
I think I seen only one title with my friend and his brother, Highshool Of The Dead
i often watch it alone
but i can talk with my friends about the animes online
mostly alone but my friend come here often also my cousin watch anime so sometimes alone sometimes not
I usely watch wit meh besti Whitney butt uder den dat I watch alone.
Hmmm... Most people I know who watch anime watch it at their own homes... and most just read manga... So yeah... Alone :D
Monster Girl
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