Do you watch anime with other people?

Do you watch anime with other people?

Total Votes : 4,271
I watch it with friends. Its fun to make wisecracks during the cheesy scenes.
Buff_Daddy_Dizzle The True Buff Bizzle
At the end of a long day, I like to grab myself a nice drink, sit down in my computer chair, put on some headphones, and enjoy myself another installment of (insert anime here).

I don't need someone else to fuck up my me time. But it would be nice to be able to discuss the latest episodes of Steins; Gate with a friend.
forever alone #79
alone and loving it because I can cry :D
Most of the time i watch it by myself but some of the times i watch it with my little brother since he watches the dub when it appears on tv
I watch mine alone but its my choice too. ALL of my friends watch anime and love it, But when I legitamatly want to watch a series, I want to watch it alone beccause I dont want any distractions is all. Me and my friends will watch comedy animes like say Sgt.Frog together cause its hilarious and not really plot focused.
Just me. D: FO-E-VA A-LOOOON.
They don't understand "cartoon"
A friend of mine even call Moe, 'gay shit'! (sigh)

On the bright side, uh, eh... bright side?
Who cares. I love Anime! So F*ck 'em!
Nothing unusual here, always alone. Would be nice to have a friend to watch some series with, might be fun.
The fuck is anime?
well, yeah I thought most people would watch it alone. If not, you probably would have friends who read manga/watch the same anime. Maybe at the same time...? I don't really know, but watching anime and talking about it with a group of friends is a great experience. :3
I call my entire family up every week for an Anime Night, we bring out the chips, a taco bar, we do some bbq, the whole 9 yards. My neighbors got so ticked off from me doing it that they even got the city to put "No Parking" signs in our driveway. But heck I do this all for the love of it~
The bulk of the anime I watch is usually alone, but sometimes I marathon some anime with my friends. It takes a while to coordinate those things so yeah.
I watch it with my son.
Forever alone...
I watch anime alone.....and find my self commenting and talking to myself about the anime I watch.
Used to watch anime with my brother and sister but since i got a girlfriend I've been watching it with her 75% of the time. The other 25% i watch alone.
i feel comfortable watching anime alone.. xD
I watched Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood and various episodes of Naruto with a friend of mine. But since FMA is over and I stopped watching Naruto after they turned Nine Tails VS Pein into Loony Toons. I've gone back to watching stuff alone.
Used to watch with my friend, but now watching alone.
Monster Girl
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