Do you watch anime with other people?

Do you watch anime with other people?

Total Votes : 4,271
It's amazing that we have so many people here watching anime alone. We could band together or something for those viewers living nearby.
now that you mention it, i watch it alone most of the time...

im usually at my home, in my own room watching anime.. it would feel weird if someone other than me is inside my cramped room watching anime beside me in my bed (i lie down with my laptop watching anime)

but if you meant having friends watching anime, then yes i have friends watching anime but they do not watch it with me in my room

oh and another thing, i dont want other people criticizing the anime i want to watch, some people just cant shut up while watching anime
I watch it alone...but I'm Not Forever alone..XD..and I usually watch it on my room..
I watch films alone so its nothing special that I dont watch Anime with others.

I think id get pissed off anyway if someone started jerking around whilst it was on and im not pausing it for someone else to take a piss/refreshment break.

Maybe i'll watch a film with someone else if I was in the mood but a 13 to 24 EP Anime... It'd never get fucking done!!
i watch it mostly alone, but sometimes i watch over my brothers shoulder if i remember those parts and enjoy them, coz i've seen all the anime my bro watches b4 he decides to watch it
almost all of my close friends watch anime, but we're all busy with our own stuff so we can't rly get together to watch anime, so we watch on our own and just talk about it afterwards :D
I usually watch anime alone. Unless it it an anime that we (me and my roommate)like. However, since I watch most of my anime on the computer it is pretty difficult.

I do talk about anime with people on a pretty regular basis.
I'm sorry I'm the only one in a 500. mile area who even knows what the hell anime is!!!!!!
Fruid Lurker of Threads
Lol, anime watching party in irc!
I watch anime alone...
But as a consolation I go to cons to meet up with m friends. XD
I can't watch anime or movies alone anymore. It makes me feel like I am wasting my time. Whenever I watch stuff it's always with other people.
i hate watching anime with other people they always want to talk during the anime, and it pisses me off.
One time, a sleepover with my friend who bought gundam seed to destiny. He called a all of my classmates and 11 boys and 3 girls were just interested on watching it. and we watched it all for 2 days and the only thing you can hear inside the room are the TV and the munching of pizza and chips... well mostly im alone watching anime.

Oh yeah we did show the whole class how the School Days last ep...
I watch it alone because it's easier to understand the the story without someone there.
Anime, as with any manifestation of true art, should be watched alone, or with someone dear.
Somtimes... but my friends dont really like them.
I feel like I'm wasting other people's time if I actually make them sit through multiple episodes of an anime.
I may watch it alone now, but this girl im interested in likes anime too. so if we hook up, yay no mores alone! :)
Alone and so lonely sob, sob, sob!!!!!!!!!
I watch Dragon ball Z and the many classics animes I like alone
Monster Girl
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