This is a dream thread. In it, you can talk about the nature of dreaming or just post about some strange/cool/scary dreams you've had. Oh, and before someone acts like a complete idiot, when I say "dreams," I am just referring to those things you have when you go to sleep. Please don't talk about something you want to do in the future. There's a whole section for that sort of thing.
Anyways, I rarely remember my dreams, and when I do remember them, they
never make any sense. I'm not talking "I was at the table eating cereal with a tiger and then my mom came in naked." I mean, they make no sense whatsoever, and I can't even tell people about them because they'd be confused after five seconds. If I ever do tell people about my dreams, it's only about a small part of the dream and not the whole thing, as the scenery and plot (kind of) of the dream changes constantly. Also, I never have nightmares, though some dreams do make me feel like shit when I wake up, usually because of some past mistake that's brought to the surface of my mind because of the dream or because someone I knew died in the dream. I never get the stereotypical nightmare, where a monster chases me or I'm staring into a bottomless pit or anything. :(
Anyways, a few days ago, I did see someone post a very cool dream on 4chan's /x/ board, and it's worth sharing:
Anonymous wrote...
I live alone in a small house in the inner suburbs of a capital city. Nice enough area.
Anyway I was sleeping one night and in my dream I was sitting at my kitchen table. I don't know what I was doing. Eating or reading maybe. Doesn't matter.
Then from my bedroom door, a double of myself walks. I'm not a lucid dreamer so dream-me didn't really care or think to question this. I wasn't in control and I didn't know I was dreaming.
The double, knowing that seeing yourself in a dream must be prophetic or something, says to me "I suppose you want to hear something profound" and I was like "Yeah OK"
He looks at me, then looks at my bedroom door (which is closed so I can't see in) and then back to me and says "Just stay asleep a little longer. Don't wake up" and I'm like "Whatever dude" because I wasn't lucid and didn't really think it was relevant.
So the dream continues and the location changes and bla bla bla. Nothing exciting.
The next morning I wake up and realise that during the night someone has broken into my house and stolen a bunch of stuff, including from my dresser inside my room while I was sleeping.