I use to drink but my meds and booze can kill me... grapefruit also. I smoke a lot of high cbd stuff and take edibles when I did chemo. Still do but I have eternal nausea.
I smoke weed and will drink occasionally. I usually stick to wine and whiskey tho, most other alcohol leaves a bad taste in my mouth that makes it hard to drink, even in casual social settings. I’d love to chill and drink with my family more but I just can’t stand the taste of beer.
I used to drink both alcohol and caffaine (the latter is classified a legal drug in my country) but eventually quit both when I was in my early 20s. Never tried smoking, which I consider one of the few things I did right in my life.
The only drugs I use - for my healthcare, legal injections. I didn't know anything about hgh therapy - what is it and why people use it. Then I was interested and checked https://chicago.hghfor-sale.com/ to find more info about this kind of therapy and I decided that it's my key for the better health..
Just beer or wine occasionally, just can't get into the taste of hard alcohol. Smoked cigarettes for a few years when I was younger but quit and haven't had one for many years. I've abstained from all the other stuff, just never saw any appeal to it and never wanted to risk ruining my life with an addiction. Guess that's boring but that's okay with me.
Im from a legal state, so yeah, I will smoke weed and take edibles. They are great for many things, even being productive depending on the strain.
I drink on occasion and I have tried MDMA a couple times.