GameON wrote...
TheBlackLight wrote...
WWII due to the number of deaths and the numbers and countries involved. Or the Cold War due to the fact that the possibility of nuclear annihilation was present.
WWI had far more deaths than WWII.
The most "Epic" conflict is the one of different ideals. Ongoing to the present from as far back as 3000 years, different ideals is the first "epic conflict" in the line of starting other conflicts.
Umm no, maybe for the Western Allies meaning Britain, France. But if you look at everyone else like Russia, and Asia; then WWII would be maybe even 10x more deaths than WWI. China alone had tens of millions of casualties.
Vietnam, a little country had close to a million people die of starvation due to Japanese, a number that would only be equaled by the more than decades long Vietnam War. Then if you count the deaths in the aftermath, then it maybe even worse.
For sure number, geopolitical scope, casualties and diversity of the people involved nothings beats WWII. IF you want to talk about ideals how about Communism vs Fascism. Democracy Vs Fascism. Chinese communist vs Chinese Nationalist. Chinese Communist vs Japanese Empire. Chinese Nationalist vs Japanese Empire. Wars of liberation against Western colonialism. Asia for Asians vs status quo.
My point is, you can't beat it, and if you wanted to even more bored you can find more ideological -ism vs -ism in WWII b/c everybody has unique reason to fight and WWII is the biggest conflict ever with the most number of people. I don't think you can be get more ideological than WWII.